Maryland Statewide Transportation Model


Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation

Parsons Brinckerhoff


The NCSG, in cooperation with Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), developed the first version of the Maryland Statewide Transportation Model (MSTM), an analytic tool designed to address issues beyond the coverage and capabilities of the two primary MPO models in the State of Maryland. These issues include traffic in rural areas outside the coverage of MPO models, statewide transit planning as well as freight traffic. MSTM coverage includes the entire states of Maryland and Delaware, the District of Columbia, and portions of southern Pennsylvania, northern Virginia, and West Virginia. The MSTM also covers the remainder of the United States (primarily for freight, transit and tourism) but on a lower level of fidelity. As part of the MSTM development, a 2040 land use scenario has been developed and the MSTM has been run with this scenario. The figure below depicts the model structure.

MSTM Structure

Contact: Frederick Ducca