Land Use Focus Area

Maryland’s long tradition of leading-edge land use policy is the backdrop for our work in this focus area. Our research and publications assess the effects of these smart growth practices at the statewide, regional and local scales. Our projects apply this knowledge to new ways of approaching land use and its multiple interactions with other urban systems. Thus our work in transportation, economic development, equity, the environment, climate change and energy is informed and often driven by imagining alternative land use scenarios. The drivers for such scenarios and their outcomes are developed and analyzed in models. These decision support systems range from complex, loosely-coupled model suites to simple sketch tools. We often team with consultants on federally-sponsored applied research and work with various state agencies and foundations to advance their work in sustainability.

Land Use Faculty and Staff

Sample Projects

Sample Research and Papers

  • Equity in Scenario Work
  • How is the SCI Program Transforming Regional Transportation Planning?
  • Sketch Tools for Regional Sustainability Scenario Planning
  • Driving and Compact Growth: A Careful Look in the Rearview Mirror,
  • The Plan for the Valleys Turns 50: Legend and Legacy
  • The Crunch for Housing Land in Central Maryland