Sustainable Communities Initiative

Toward an Equitable Region: Lessons from Baltimore’s Sustainable Communities Initiative

Producing more equitable regions, where low-income residents can access jobs, quality education, affordable housing, health care and other opportunities, is difficult. American metropolitan regions must overcome legacies of racial, political, and economic segregation and fragmentation that continue to inhibit the collaboration and coordination necessary to take action. In Baltimore and many other metropolitan areas across the nation, local leaders and stakeholders have come together with the goal of overcoming these challenges to make real progress. 

This report presents the lessons we learned from assessing the process and outcomes of Baltimore’s regional plan to reduce inequalities and increase access to opportunity for low-income residents. The analysis was funded by the Knowledge, Impact and Strategy (KIS) group at Enterprise Community Partners and performed by the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education (NCSG) at the University of Maryland. 

Read the report here